Ngā Mema o te Poari

Tama Kirikiri
Te Whānau-ā-Apanui, Ngāti Konohi, Ngāti Rākaipaaka, Ngāti Kahungunu, Kāi Tahu
Tama Kirikiri is Chair of our Board, Kaihautū Mātauranga Māori; the Sector Leader Māori Medium at Tātai Angitu. Tama is a trained teacher with fluency in te reo and tikanga Māori.
He previously worked at Whitireia Polytechnic as part of the strategic planning and implementation team, with a particular focus on raising Māori student success.
We value Tama's leadership, experience and community connections he brings to our kaupapa

Board Member
Cody Hartley-Warbrick
Te Arawa, Ngāti Rangitihi, Ngāti Raukawa
With nearly two decades of dedicated service as a public servant, Cody has gained valuable experience, including frontline roles within the Hutt Valley. His journey includes contributions in HVDHB Māori Health and Te Tāhū o te Ture in the Family Violence Sector, as well as a Kaiārahi o te Kooti-a-Whānau supporting whānau within Te Awa Kairangi. Currently serving as a Kaitohutohu matua at Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora and on the board of a Women’s Refuge, Cody is driven by a commitment to community well-being. Both board roles reflect his dedication to community support and collaborative decision-making.
Motivated by a passion for the well-being of our communities, Cody works to strengthen services, drawing on nearly 20 years of diverse experience, including frontline service. This background informs his efforts to deliver more effective outcomes for kaimahi and whai ora whānau. Cody's collaborative approach is rooted in humility, as he works alongside community members to foster positive change.
Cody openly shares his passion and empathy with the Trust, supporting both the organization and its kaimahi in leading and implementing effective changes. Local and well-established in the community of Te Awa Kairangi, Cody brings a wealth of sector knowledge to our kaupapa.

Board Member
Harley Rogers
Ngati Raukawa ki Waikato, Ngati Tuara ki Te Arawa
Harley is a qualified builder and senior health professional who has worked in community, primary and secondary health predominantly. Harley recently worked for HVDHB and currently works for Te Hiringa Hauora (Health Promotion Agency) in a role leading the Nōku te Ao, Like Minds programme. A programme to uphold the mana and human rights of people with experience of mental distress.
Harley brings service management funding and commissioning expertise, human and indigenous rights experience, and health sector knowledge to our Board table in support of our Trust aspirations and kaupapa.
Harley is well known amongst the community of Te Awakairangi and the national mental health sector. We value his wisdom and knowledge shared within our governance Board korerorero.

Board Member
Emerson Nikora
Ngati Maniapoto me Te Atiawa ōku Iwi
Ngati Rora tōku Hapu
Emma Metekingi tōku Tipuna Kuia,
Tipu ake au ki te takiwa o Manawatu, Feilding.
He Tane tawhito o Te Aute Kareti.
He Kaiako Māori au i te Kura o Scots College
Tama raua ko Rāwiri Nikora ōku tai-tama
Ko Victoria Metcalf tōku Tau aroha
Ko Emerson Rora Nikora ahau
Emerson is HOD Māori of Scots College and brings a lifetime of experience of kaupapa Māori matauranga, as well as being an old boy of Te Aute College, and a high level rugby player nationally and internationally.

Board Member/Tangata Whaiora Representative
Rohan Gear
'Kia ū ki te pai, kia whai hua ai'
Hold on to what is good and good things will follow.
I whānau mai au i Poneke
I tipu ake au i Wairarapa
He toko rua aku tamariki
Ko Taratahi tōku maunga
Ko Whareama tōku awa
I began my Te Paepae Ārahi journey as a Tangata Whaiora, I then became a employee as a Peer Support worker, soon after I was offered a position on our board of trustees as the Tangata Whaiora/Kaimahi representative.
My role involves sharing 'Pae Ora' the success stories of our whanau whaiora and to act as a voice on behalf of kaimahi and tangata whaiora.