Ngā Korero ō Te Paepae Ārahi
He mihi atu ki ngā Mātāwaka,
Ki ngā mana whenua o Te Upoko O Te Ika tenā koutou
Te Ātiawa ki Pōneke, Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Ngāti Ira, Rangitāne, Ngāti Mutunga.
Ko Pukeatua te Maunga
Ko Te Awakairangi te Awa
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu tō tātou Korowai
Ko ngā waka o ngā tai e wha to tātou Waka
Ko Te Paepae Ārahi Trust te Whānau nei,
me ngā Kaihoe o te Waka Hauora
ki ngā Whānau Whānui
Hoe! Hoe! Hoe! Ara Rā!
To enable our whaiora whānau and community the best opportunities for recovery and wellness from mental distress, illness and addictions.
“Hei kaiārahi i te iwi, kia ora ai”
To guide our people to seek wellness and keep whānau at the center of what we do.
We pursue success through excellence
We embrace connection (cultural, spiritual and social)
We acknowledge the importance of wairua and balance
We embrace the practice of being able to support others
Toiora Whānau
We strive for whānau wellbeing
Mana Motuhake
We value whānau independence
Tino Rangatiratanga
We honour whānau leadership
We build enduring and meaningful relationships
We endeavour to support understanding
We provide guidance toward wellbeing and recovery
We collaborate to give the best service to our whanau
We conduct ourselves with honesty and with transparency
Te Paepae Ārahi is a kaupapa Māori charitable trust providing mental health, addiction outreach & counselling, social services, youth support and group support programmes. Te Paepae Arahi support tangata whaiora with mild to moderate mental health and addiction issues who live within the Hutt Valley region. These services are delivered by Kaiwhakarite (registered social workers), Kaitautoko (support workers), Kaitohutohu (registered counsellors) and Kaimahi Rangatahi (youth workers).
TPA’s model of care encompasses the core aspects of hauora from a Te Ao Māori holistic approaches to health and wellbeing, whilst encompassing the principles of practice across various disciplines and skillsets within our team.
Whai ora with severe longterm and enduring diagnosed mental illness are still able to be supported in collaboration with specialist services such as MHAIDS or the Community MH team as appropriate.
The organisational core values and practice disciplinary skillsets form the foundation and whakapapa of the mode ‘Te Maunga’ and guide direction and attainment of our outcomes. We acknowledge whakapapa in this sense also as being the core principle of grounding and connection for whaiora and whanau in connecting or reconnecting whaiora with the cultural, spiritual, social and physical foundations of their being.