Other Support Services
Te Paepae Ārahi work alongside other organisations to deliver the best outcomes for whanau. At times whanau need more immediate or emergency support, the below services can provide you with such support.
Te Paepae Ārahi is NOT an emergency service, in the event of a Mental Health or Addictions crisis please contact the below services,
If you're concerned with someones immediate safety please do the following,
If a person is in immediate physical danger to themselves or others, call 111
Contact your local mental health crisis assessment team,
For Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti and the Hutt Valley
Crisis Resolution Service (CRS) | MHAIDS - 0800 745 477
Follow this link https://healthed.govt.nz/products/helplines-and-mental-health-services for info. on other mental health crises teams and other emergency services:

Need to talk?
Free call 1737
Free text or call anytime to speak with a counsellor

(Suicide Helpline)
Provides information and resources to people at risk of suicide or people experiencing suicidal thoughts.

0800 37 66 33
Youthline is New Zealands number one support service for youth.